The Back-to-Basics Accelerator

Feel confident and comfortable in your big, curvy body and take control of your health

Stop hating your body, letting the scale control you, restricting foods, counting calories and feeling bad about yourself and your health

Instead, take back your health and confidence by reconnecting with your body, recognizing it’s feedback for a healthier you while eating food that you enjoy, improving your strength, mobility, flexibility, energy levels, and mental health.

Fall in love with who you are and the body you live in.


You are exhausted from…


the continuous focus on weight loss and your size


following diet after diet


trying every new workout plan recommended


doing everything "right" and still feeling uncomfortable, unconfident, and less than

Now you’re looking for a better way to improve your health and feel confident in your body!

You want to feel confident, comfortable, healthy and happy…

You have thought about hiring a personal trainer that promises quick results and massive weight loss...

BUT you don’t want to give up the foods you enjoy, weigh-ins cause you extreme anxiety, and you don’t want to spend hours in the gym. Plus: These trainers always make you feel bad about yourself and seem to lack understanding about your experience in a bigger body.

You considered signing up for a 5K and just going it alone (maybe if you set a date it will motivate you)...

BUT the beginner 5K program doesn’t feel like it was really made for beginners. It has left you feeling defeated, sore for days, and unmotivated to run again.   


You even thought about giving in altogether and just accepting a non-active lifestyle...

BUT you dream of being active, want to be healthy and desire more energy to accomplish all of your life goals.



Here’s a bold question for you:

What if you could stop obsessing about your weight and size, and instead achieve YOUR healthiest body through small, simple habit changes to improve your health, strength, flexibility, and mobility while falling in love with your big, curvy body in the process?

Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!


I went from an average of 86 active minutes a month, 1,662 average steps a day, elevated blood pressure, and struggling with binge eating disorder to an average of 831 active minutes a month, 11,828 average steps a day, normal blood pressure, and I reconnected with my body and healed my relationship with food.

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

When I started out on this health journey, I struggled with injuries, consistency, immense soreness, and felt haunted by eating disorders I thought I was recovered from. 🙅‍♀️

👉So I searched the internet for a beginners program that could reteach me the basics, explained the purpose of each move, was focused on strength, and had tutorials for every lift.🎉🙏

I found a program that I felt ticked all the boxes and started lifting 2 – 3 X a week and joined the Facebook community group. I relearned many basics, gained strength, and found a love for weight lifting again.

That was in May 2021.

but then

I became discouraged.

As the exercises progressed I found it hard to keep up, some of the moves were hard to do because of my body shape and size. All of the coaches were slim athletes and did not know how to adapt the moves for my body. The messaging became increasingly targeted at weight loss. Before and after photos were shared constantly and when I didn’t even remotely look like the before photos (let alone the after) I began to feel alone.

Even though my instincts said not to, I felt the pressure to weigh in, measure my body, and count my macros and calories like the rest of the community.

😔 My eating disorder returned😔

❌My anxiety around my weight and size increased and I became depressed❌

I left the program and began my search for a program that would support me better 😭

So I tried…


Googling personal training for plus-size women (but many programs were geared towards weight and fat loss specifically)


Enrolling in a intuitive eating program (but they were out of my price range or did not provide the support I believed I would need)


Finding exercises and inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram (and that worked from time to time but I wasn't sure if I was improving my health or not)

I told myself…

There must be a way to improve your health, strength, flexibility, and mobility without focusing on your body size or weight AND without getting injured, burnout, or ridiculously sore.

And that’s when it hit me!

I would become a certified personal trainer and learn how to train myself and other big women like me!

I pursued multiple certifications (specifically for women and size inclusion), implemented what I was learning, and I started achieving the results I wanted:


I stopped hating my body for not being smaller and began to love my thick, strong thighs, my chubby and capable waist, and my big, muscly arms.


I reconnected with my hunger cues and finally felt like I could eat whatever I wanted (especially when I went out with friends)


I became more confident and started wearing all the tank tops and shorts that I had only ever dreamed of wearing


I said yes to fitness classes with friends (including a bungee chord workout class, which I loved)


I was able to dance for 4 hours straight at a friends Halloween party without feeling completely out of breath


I have even begun training for a sprint triathlon that I hope to complete in 2024!

The best thing?

I feel healthy, energized, comfortable and confident in my body!

(I even love being in photos now🥰)

I fell in love with the process of improving my health without the anxiety of how I look or what I weigh.

So how does it work exactly?

3 Simple Phases

to reclaim your body confidence and take charge of your health

Photo by <a href="">Jakub Kriz</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a><br />

Phase 1

Mindset Reset

Set your vision, Rewrite your story & set Value-aligned Health Goals

Phase 2

Set your foundation and create habits

Reconnect with your body through movement and nutrition & develop habits that work for you

Phase 3

Build upon your foundation

Take your movement and nutrition to the next level & start saying yes to opportunities

Can this really work? You bet!

It all began with a 10 minute dance session in my kitchen…

Back in 2021 after years of trial and error, wasted investments in companies promising quick weight loss, and injury after injury from misguided personal trainers I took my health into my own hands. Through my studying I realized that I needed to go back to the basics, build up a firm foundation, and then I could achieve the healthy, active lifestyle that I dreamed of.

I learned about intuitive eating and relearning my hunger cues. At first my diet was all over the place and I continued to crave sugary foods, but as I trusted the process those cravings turned to a desire for cucumber, protein bowls, and new nutritional experiences. I began moving in ways that brought me joy. At first it was just 10 minutes of dance a day, but then it was 15, 20, 30, and then an hour. And I put in the work through journal prompts, meditation, affirmations, and other exercise to unlearn the harmful messages I had internalized and reclaimed my confidence.

I’m now training for a sprint triathlon! But the best part is the confidence I have in myself and the knowledge that I am more than my body.

My anxiety has decreased, I now know I belong in the gym. I will confidently walk into dance classes (and I won’t stay on the back row). I love seeing myself in pictures and am able to focus on how happy I look and the memories I am making.

This journey isn’t easy. And this journey is not fast. BUT this journey is 100% worth it. This journey is one of healing, freedom, and joy. It is about unlocking the power that comes from being you and knowing that is enough. You are beautiful and the world is a better place when you are you confident, comfortable, healthy, and have the energy to pursue your wildest dreams.

Welcome to…

The Back-to-Basics Accelerator

Fall in love with your body while building the strongest, most confident version of you yet.


on the inside

What you’ll learn

Phase 1

Week 1 – 2

Mindset Reset



Step 1: Define health

…Define your definition of health for your unique body and lifestyle. Reflect on your journey so far and identify what has and hasn’t worked in the past.


Step 2: Rewrite your story

...dive into mental and physical preparation for the weeks ahead. Rewrite your body story, select your new health persona, and get ready for big change through small actions.


Step 3: Set Value-Aligned, Behavior-based Goals

…Explore your fitness and health values and align your behavior based goals. Assess your current lifestyle and identify where you can make small changes on your journey.

Phase 2

Week 3 – 12

Set your foundation and create habits



Step 4: Reconnect with your body

… through learning HOW to eat and relearning your bodies hunger cues during weekly skill challenges.


Step 5: Commit to joyful movement

… using our 1-1 time we will co-create a movement plan that works in your schedule and brings you closer to your goals.


Step 6: Build consistency and create habits

…every other week in your 1-1 time we will reflect on your behavior based goals, tweak and recommit as necessary to get you closer to the lifestyle you desire.

Phase 3

Week 13 -16

Build upon your foundation



Step 7: Explore Movement

… co-create your movement plan. Be it running, yoga, lifting, boxing, dancing, or a combination of all of the above we will set movement goals to increase strength, mobility, flexibility, and health through your chosen movements.


Step 8: Explore nutrition

…With a firm understanding of how to eat and plenty of practice, we know dive further into what to eat in order to fuel your unique body and meet your health goals.


Step 9: Start saying yes!

… during group coaching we will explore the opportunities that you have been missing out on, identify your blocks, and work to combat them.

Join now and you’ll get access to:


8 1:1 Coaching Sessions ($800 Value)


Weekly Workouts for Strength ($120 Value)


Behavior-based Goals Worksheet ($17 Value)


The Stories I Tell Myself Journal ($19 Value)


Health Audit Worksheet ($9 Value)


Power Statement Template ($9 Value)


Health Values Worksheet ($7 Value)


Client App for workouts/tracking ($47 Value)


16 Group Coaching Sessions ($ 800 Value)


Private support Group ($47 Value)


Nutrition skill building guide & Training ($147 Value)


Redefining health Activity Book ($27 Value)


Health Persona Template ($7 Value)


Say Yes Journal ($27 Value)


Vision Journal ($27 Value)


Text/video/voice note access to coach ($57 Value)

Total Value = $ 2,167

BETA Price = Only $495

(Payment plans available)


1 payment of $495

7 Day Refund Guarantee



7 Day Refund Guarantee



7 Day Refund Guarantee


Want even more?

Join today and you’ll also get… 

Action Taker Bonuses


14-day Project Body Love Challenge


Journal prompts


Daily audio lessons


Daily Body Love Activities








Support Group

Total Value = $2,258

BETA Price = Only $495

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Q: Who is this program for?

A: The Back-to-Basics Accelorator is designed for individuals just starting their health journey or recently returning to their health journey. We focus on the basics to ensure you have a firm foundation that you can build upon after the program is complete. 

Q: What equipment do I need?

A: In short, none. We will customize your workouts to fit your lifestyle and budget. No gym? No problem! Have a gym membership that you love? Perfect, let’s work with that. Have a pair of dumbells at home you would like to use? Love it! We will co-build and customize your workouts to fit your goals and your life! 

Q: What is the program start date?

A: The next program start date is Dec. 11, but group coaching will begin in the new year. Before the new year will be dedicated to onboarding and 1-1 coaching. 

Q: How much support is included?

A: The program duration is 16 weeks with options to extend coaching on a month to month basis. Each week you will have the opportunity to particpate in group coaching. Every other week you will meet 1-1 with Izsie for personalized coaching.  You will have access to the support group through out the duration of the program.





Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.


© 2023 | Health With Izsie

An Izsie & Co Company

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